Random thoughts

Ahh..I can sit back and relax for the next 36 hours. Work has been incredibly busy this week - the news doesn't stop for a holiday. We accomplished more then I thought we would so Friday should be an early out. Keyword "should".

My guys are having a great trip. I talk to them nightly and hear all about the deer, geese, and pheasant, plus driving around in tractors through the fields. My 5 year old is having a blast, and gives me funny sounding kisses on the phone. I can only imagine the funny faces that accompany them on the other side.

I checked out the new Ikea a few nights ago and ended up having dinner in the restaurant with a minor celebrity. She used to be a soap star, and is in the area working on an independent film. We briefly chatted, and she was just like any one of us - except more gorgeous.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you and your family!